Introduction to Questions
Questions help Administrators and Program Managers control access to the program, create groups, or collect additional information about members. Members see questions during registration, under Latest, or during re-sign in. Details about the presentation of questions are outlined in When and Where Do Members See Questions and Create, Edit, or Archive Questions.
Open the Questions page by selecting the top left menu in Studio and navigate to Manage > Questions.
When and Where Do Members See Questions?
Here is a full outline of the registration and onboarding flow, with notes about different question types:
- User signs in and completes user verification (if applicable).
- Onboarding questions (text with acceptable answers) are presented at the top of the guest feed. After answering all onboarding questions, the member becomes Registered and has access to the full feed.
- Guest feed means that Latest and Discover only show shareable, untargeted content (ie the content is targeted to All Users and set to shareable). The member won’t be able to share, like, or submit content in the guest feed. The full feed includes internal-only and/or targeted content.
- The welcome video is presented to users immediately upon sign in. For mobile app users, the video will appear at the top of Latest. For web users, the video will appear before they can access the landing page. The member must click Acknowledge or Close before seeing further questions.
- All other questions, including both dropdown and free-form text, appear at top of the full feed one at a time. Required questions persist until the member answers, but the member can explore other areas of the program without answering.
Users that sign in via SSO would skip to item 3 above.
Refer below for details on how the registered user will see new or edited questions.
Create, Edit, or Archive Questions
Create New Question
Select Create Question in the upper right of the Questions page to start a new question at any time. New questions are automatically added to the onboarding and user experience outlined above.
We recommend that you ask no more than a couple questions, but there is no enforced limit. You can ask an unlimited number of questions.
Fully registered members will see new dropdown and free-form text questions in Latest (both mobile app and web experience). If they are currently signed in, they just need to refresh to see the new questions. Registered users will never see new onboarding questions because registered users have completed onboarding.
When creating a new Text Question, fill out the below information:
- Question Title: how to categorize your question
- Question Text (80 character limit): the question users see in the app
- Help Text: explanatory text to help users answer the question
- Acceptable Answers: answers you'll accept when users type in their responses
When creating a new Dropdown Question, fill out the below information:
- Question Title: how to categorize your question
- Question Text (80 character limit): the question users see in the app
- Help Text: explanatory text to help users answer the question
- Choices (at least 2 choices required): the answers available that users will choose from in the dropdown menu
Edit an Existing Question
You can modify an active question by clicking Edit. The updates will appear to users that have not answered the question yet.
Members will never be asked to answer a question a second time, even if you edit the question to have new answers. To make members re-answer a question, you must archive the original question and create a brand new question with the updated answers.
If you add new answers to a dropdown question, those answers will create new groups. If you edit an existing answer (such as NA to North America) it will create a new group. All groups that existed before editing the answers will continue to exist. Removing an answer to an active question does not affect the associated group in any way.
Update Member's Answer to a Question
There is no option to update a user's answer to a question. As outlined above, editing a question will not prompt a user to re-answer. And there is no way for a member or Studio user to edit a member's answer.
If you need members to update their answers, you must start over with a new question.
Archive a Question
Select Archive to remove a question from the employee experience and archive all associated groups. Note, targeting to the archived groups will no longer work. We recommend confirming that all topics or campaigns targeted to the archived groups are updated as desired.
After archiving a question you can still see all of your users' answers. Navigate to the User Details page or export user data from the Users page to see the answers from your users.
Archived questions can be re-activated at any time by selecting Restore on the Archived tab. Restoring a question will restore the archived groups and update any targeting that names the archived groups.
Control Registration with Onboarding "Code Access" Question
Use an onboarding question to control access to your program. This method of controlled access is often called "Code Access".
A text question with at least one acceptable answer is an onboarding question. An onboarding question is presented in the guest feed (shareable, non-targeted content only) to Registering users that are signing in using email registration. Note, onboarding questions are not presented to SSO users.
Once onboarding is complete, the member is considered Registered and allowed access to the full feed. As onboarding only applies to Registering users, Registered users will never see new onboarding questions.
How to Create a Code Access Question
- In Studio, navigate to Manage > Questions and click the "Create Question" button in the upper right corner of the screen. A form will appear with several fields.
- Fill in the fields as follows:
- Type: Text Answer
- Question Text: This is the question that members see, such as "What is the code to access this program?"
- Help Text: This can be left blank or used to provide a hint such as "Social media policy training quiz".
- Acceptable Answers: Enter one or more codes here, separated with line breaks. Note that codes are case sensitive - if you are using letters and numbers a consider a hint in the Help Text such as "answer is case sensitive." Normally only one code is used.
- Required: After typing at least one acceptable answer, the option to say "no" will disappear and the answer will be required.
- Click the "Save" button to save your changes.
Create Groups Using Dropdown Questions
Dropdown Questions automatically generate groups. You can therefore use dropdown questions to let users self-select into groups. For example, if you want to group users by language, ask "What language do you prefer to read in?"
For details on how to create groups using dropdown questions, refer to this article.
Collect Free Form Information with Text Questions
Text questions with no specified acceptable answers are free form - members can type anything into the answer box. As free form answers are unlikely to have more than one member with exactly the same answer, groups are not created for text questions (see Create Groups Using Dropdown Questions). Instead, text questions can be used to collect highly individualized information. For example, you can ask your members "What type of treat do you prefer on your birthday?"
Where to See Answers to Questions
To review answers individually, navigate to the individual's user details on the Users page.
To review group membership based on dropdown questions, navigate to the Groups page.
To review all answers to all Questions (including code access, dropdown, and free-form text) Navigate to the User Details page or export user data from the Users page to see the answers from your users.
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