Sometimes a topic stops having relevant content for users. At any time a topic can be archived. If the topic becomes relevant again then the topic can be restored from the archive.
What Does Archive Do?
Member View
- If the topic was visible to a member, Archive will make the topic and all content in the topic disappear from the member view.
- The topic is no longer searchable or visible under Discover.
- On the Topics page archived topics are listed under the Archived tab. Publishers, Program Managers, and Administrators can look at topics on the Archived tab at any time. Edit is an available option for topics under the Archived tab.
- The Planner page will no longer show the topic or content in the archived topic.
How to Archive an Active or Hidden Topic
- Open the Topics page by selecting the menu in the top left and navigate to Publish > Topics.
- While on the Topics page under the Active tab or Hidden tab, click on the three dots to the right of the topic's name and select Archive.
Note: My Feed cannot be archived because My Feed serves as the default starting point for all users in the mobile and web experience (called Latest in the user experience).
How to Restore an Archived Topic
Archived topics can be restored to the Active tab or Hidden tab using the Restore option. Restore also returns the content in the topic to the Planner page.
To restore an archived topic, navigate to the Topics page under the Archived tab click on the three dots to the right of the topic's name and select Restore.
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