Below we detail product updates for the Firstup platform (Experience) scheduled for release in March 2022.
Assistant Icon Placement (Web Experience)
We’ve run a beta test with some of our existing customers, focusing on the placement of our Assistant icon on the web experience. We’ve moved it to the bottom right, which is similar to what we’re seeing in other platforms. The results are in! On average, we're seeing a 3x increase in daily unique users visiting Assistant.
Search Bar Updates (Web Experience)
We’ve made our search bar more easily and visually accessible on Web Experience, by reducing the amount of clicks to reach the search functionality! What has changed?
- The header layout on Web
- Icons, search bar, logo, hamburger menu have been repositioned
- Clicking logo navigates back to program landing page
- Hamburger Menu
- Home link has been added to the hamburger menu for secondary access
- Added program secondary color to hamburger menu links on hover or when on the current page
- Search Functionality
- The search results return a heading (Search posts for “search term”) with the number of results found.
- A label will be added below the heading with the number of results found: “8 results found”.
- This will be the same functionality for all content types or filters (Posts, Channels, Directory, etc.) throughout the program experience.
Header Layout on Homepage
Hamburger Menu: Program Secondary Color Used for Hovering
Search Result Updates
Comment Improvements
We’ve made many improvements to our comment functionality on Experience, including a better expand/collapse experience, sorting, highlighting important voices, and a "think before you post" warning message.
Expanding/Collapsing Comment Replies
For comments with multiple replies, we’ve made navigation to read these threads much easier. These improvements include:
- In a collapsed view: show avatars of the first six users that have replied to a comment
- Clicking on “# replies” expands and displays all replies/sub-comments
- User clicks on “hide # replies” and the thread collapses
Collapsed View
Expanded View
Highlighting Comments (Admin functionality)
Program admins now have the ability to highlight important comments in a post thread. This will move those comments to the top of the comment thread.
‘Think Before You Post’ Message
Sometimes, users need to be reminded that their comments are being seen in a professional work setting. So, we’re allowing for programs to determine if they want this feature enabled, and every time any user goes to comment on a post, a "think before you post" warning message will be displayed before the comment is published. The message is dismissable for the user. Ask your Customer Success Manager about this feature if you’d like it enabled for your program!
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