Commenting on a piece of content allows you to have your voice heard, and connect and engage like never before with content in your app.
See Comments
When commenting has been enabled for a post, the comment icon will appear in the the card, next to Likes.
If comments have been posted, a number will also appear next to the comment icon to show you the total number of comments and replies for this piece of content.
Click the comments icon to open the commenting drawer and scroll to read comments and replies from other users.
Create a New Comment
Click on the commenting icon to open the commenting drawer, and start typing to create a new comment. Click the Submit button to post the comment.
In your comment, you can:
- use up to 500 characters
- add an emoji
- mention another app user by typing the @ symbol and then typing the person's name
In order to add a comment, you'll need to have your first name and last name listed in your User Profile. If either or both of those profile values are not populated, you will be prompted to fill them in before you can post - even if your profile is set to private.
When your User Profile has been made private, your photo, first and last name, and display name will still be visible to other users, such as when you like or comment on posts, or when another user tries to mention (@name) you.
Once posted, you can edit or delete your comment at any time.
If another user has tagged you in a comment, or added a comment on a post you've published, you can find those notifications listed under Assistant.
Note: All comments are subject to banned terms auto-moderation.
Banned Terms
Musical notes like ♪♪♪♪ are displayed when you attempt to comment using a banned term. Comments with banned terms are posted successfully, but the banned term is replaced with musical notes as you type. The original word is not displayed.
Interact with Other Comments
Tap the comment icon underneath another user's comment to add a reply to their post. This reply will be added as a thread underneath the original comment.
You can like comments and replies others have posted by tapping the heart icon next to the comment.
You can flag a comment you consider inappropriate by tapping the down arrow next to the comment and selecting Report. You will need to Confirm the you want to report this post or select Cancel to undo. Once the post has been reported, your Program Managers will review the flagged post and remove from the app if needed. You will not be notified if the comment you flagged is removed.
Display Name - @firstname.lastname
When tagging users in a comment, typing @firstname may return too many results. Refine the list by referring to other users with their display name, typically formatted as @firstname.lastname. This will make the comment be pulled into the Daily Content Activity Email, and spur other users to reply to you. You can edit your own display name under your Profile.
Expand/Collapse Comments
In the web experience only, for comments with multiple replies, threads can be collapsed or expanded.
- In a collapsed view, the avatars of the first six users that replied to the comment are shown.
- Clicking on “# replies” will expand and display all replies/sub-comments.
- Clicking on “hide # replies” will collapse the thread.
Collapsed View
Expanded View
Filter/Sort Comments
In the web experience only, comments can be filtered or sorted by: Top Comments, Newest, Oldest, Most Liked, or Most Replied. Selecting an option from the list will filter or sort the comment thread accordingly.
Highlighting Comments
In the web experience only, Administrators and Community Managers have the ability to highlight important or popular comments in a post thread by clicking on the three dots to the right of the comment and selecting Highlight. This will pin the comment to the top of the comment thread and place a star to the left of the commenter's username.
To unhighlight a comment, click on the three dots again and select Unhighlight. This will return the comment to its original position in the comment thread.
'Think Before You Post'
Sometimes, users need a reminder that their comments are being seen in a professional work setting. With this feature enabled for your community, every time any user goes to comment on a post in the web experience only, a "Think before you post" warning message will be displayed before the comment is published. The message is dismissable for the user. Ask your Customer Success Manager about this feature if you’d like it enabled for your community.
Article is closed for comments.