If your registration process ends with a message that says anything about a "confirmation email", then your registration will not be complete until you have confirmed your email by clicking on the "click here" link in the confirmation email. The confirmation email contains the following:
Subject Line: Please confirm your email
From: no-reply@socialchorus.com
Message: Thank you for your interest in joining [Program Name]. Please click here to complete your registration.
If you don't see the confirmation email right away, try these troubleshooting steps:
- Allow at least 10 minutes for the message to arrive.
- Check your Spam folder.
- Allowlist "no-reply@socialchorus.com" (this may involve your IT team) and try to reset your password (this will substitute for the confirmation email).
- If you still are not able to receive the confirmation email, contact Firstup Support for assistance, and please note which troubleshooting steps you have already tried.
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