Content Order & Update
All content in all areas of the web experience and mobile app displays with the most recently published content at the top. This includes all areas of the web's landing page such as Featured, Latest, and From the Community, in addition to Resources and Topic views.
If you see the same content appear for a long period of time, make sure there is recently published content for that content area. For example, the web's landing page places Featured content at the very top. If new content has not been featured recently, the landing page may look "stale". We recommend featuring 3-5 posts per week to keep Featured looking fresh.
Whether set to default or customized, we avoid duplicating the display of content across sections of the homepage, so if the Homepage is customized so that a public topic is now one of the top five sections, any content published to that topic will appear in that topic’s section, and not in Featured, Latest, or Trending.
When signed into the mobile app, web experience, or an amplifier, users will only see public (untargeted, available to all users) content and content that is targeted to them.
The 'personalized feed' is under Latest in the web experience and mobile app. Content appears in the personalized feed if it was published to a topic that the member has joined or if it was published directly to My Feed in Studio. Note that we recommend rarely publishing directly to My Feed - anything published directly to My Feed should be relevant and important to all users.
In both the web experience and mobile app, the user can navigate directly to content within topics via Discover.
The Featured tab/area will show featured content only. If there is not enough recently featured content, the Featured section will be hidden from view. If the Featured section is not appearing, make sure you have 3-5 posts featured in the last week.
In the web experience, users can see images posted by Members under From the Community. The section will not appear if there is not enough content to display. If a user does not see the section or it seems to lack content, confirm that you have at least three recent posts of the "image" type, created by Members, published to topics that the user has access to. Note the emphasis on content created by Members - content created by Topic Managers will not appear in From the Community.
When you create a campaign that contains content, there are content filters to control which content is sent to users. Personalize Content will show similar content to Trending or Featured posts depending on what is available.
Trending pulls in content that is seeing a lot of engagement across the community.
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