Use the Analyze page to track the performance of your program. Analyze empowers every Administrator, Program Manager, Publisher, and Analyst to be at once an online marketer, content curator and publisher, and strategic communications leader. These data insights and metrics will position you to make bold, smart decisions to enhance your program.
Use Analyze to understand your audience. Learn what type of content is in demand and what your users are really sharing, reading, or ignoring. Use these insights to decrease unnecessary noise and increase the effectiveness of content your users want to consume.
Analyze reports are organized within collections. A report may contain several graphs, tables, or number highlights.
Refer to the Measure Glossary for a definition of any field in any report.
How to Access Analyze
Access the Analyze page by selecting Measure → Analyze from the top left menu.
Sort through the available reports using one or more method:
- Search reports by title or description.
- Filter to specific collections.
- Click on the highlighted collections at the top of the page to see groups of reports.
- Scroll down to select a report.
Once you have located your favorite reports, or filtered a report to a view that you prefer, bookmark the report. This will build a bookmark collection. Your bookmarked reports are only visible to you. Your bookmarked reports remember the filters that were set when you made the bookmark.
Tip: some reports, especially tables, have more data than can be displayed on the screen at one time. Hover over individual reports to reveal the scroll bar.
How to Filter Reports
Once you have a report open, review your data and adjust the filters. The report will load with some filters in place - simply click on the button to change the selection.
Form questions based on anomalies, discrepancies, or surprises. See if the filters or view by selectors can help you drill into the data further.
If your program is passing any custom attributes for groups, you can talk to your Customer Success Manager about adding those custom attributes to your Analyze filters. In the example below, you can see Department, Job Title, and Work Location are custom attributes available in this program for both the View By filter (controlling how data is displayed in one graph) and as a User Attributes filter (so that you can filter the data of the whole report based on these attributes).
How to Share Analyze Data
There are several options to share your Analyze data. Choose the best option based on your audience.
Select Share This Report to copy a URL to your clipboard. You can now share a link to a filtered version of your report with other Studio users. You can also create a browser-bookmark to this specific URL to see your report with all filters in place.
Download a screenshot to share the visuals with non-Studio users. Click on the download a screenshot button to download a PNG file of the full report. Note that tables cannot be scrolled through in the PNG, so make sure the table displays the columns and rows that you want the PNG to include.
Save as a PDF to share the visuals with non-Studio users. You can do this by printing the web page and choosing "save as PDF".
Download the full results of an individual tile by hovering over the top right of any tile. Use this option to create your own visuals and share with anyone.
A Note About Time Delay
Depending on the exact time of an event, it can take up to 30-60 minutes for the event to appear in Analyze. For example, this can affect metrics for user activity and whether a post is available for selection in a filter.
Please allow at least 1 hour before contacting Support regarding any unexpected numbers or missing data.
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